Join us

Life is a game. Let’s play it in a joyful, meaningful and sustainable way. To give back more than we take and to empower future generations.

Your superpowers

Your superpowers work from anywhere

Buntewelt is set to grow regardless of borders with team members from many different countries. Speaking German is not a requirement. English skills are an important baseline though. We respect whoever you are and invite you to work with us.

Remote first

For anything that can be done remotely.

English first

One shared baseline and the more additional languages the better.

Results first

Plan less, fail faster and cheaper, iterate more. Reflect, learn and grow your strength.

Kids first

Prioritize over any other stakeholders, to the best of your abilities.

Grow your skills

We aim to create jobs, roles and career opportunities around whatever works best for you. You stay who you are and not get squared in a role that doesn’t truly reflect on what you want to achieve. Your interests might change over time. Your ambition and curiosity will not.

Win partnerships

Toys and games manufacturers from all over the world will join our mission, if you lead the way. So will owners of locations of all sorts.

Build community

Your outreach will determine the way families are able to support each other and make most of what we offer.

Manage logistics

Operate an always changing network of locations and build long term relationships with local partners in many places.

Develop a platform business

There're thousands of possible features. You will try and make them fail as fast as you can until they don't.

Architect an IT stack

With all the dots you connect you can always rebuild the house in a more elegant way. You remove more than you add.

Customize software tools

Be ready to automate everything.

Open positions

We will announce future job openings right here and on our newsletter. We'll ramp up no earlier than mid to end 2022. But you're always welcome to drop us a line to get in touch earlier.

Please consider that we likely don't have any jobs that fit, just people to work together. The dream job you are looking for will most certainly not yet exist. What you find here might be automated in the future. We can only offer you to join and build a team of crazy ambitious and humble people. We will encourage you to build yourself the job and career you've been looking for. And to reinvent it again and again.

About Buntewelt

Learn more about the Buntewelt story that started way back in the year 2015 (Page not yet translated to English).

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